Become a Friend
of St.George’s Church
Wrotham and help to preserve over
1,000 years of village history
Information about the Friends of St George's
How do I join the Friends of St George's?
Future events
Annual Quiz Night Saturday 8 March 2025
Our friendly and fun quiz night is fast approaching. We look forward to seeing all our regulars and would welcome any new residents. Tables of 8 are available. These must be pre-arranged with Diana on 01732 885172. Diana is also delighted to make up tables for anyone who can’t create such a big group, or is new to the village. Any singles, doubles, triples etc. do contact Diana. This is a great way to get to know your neighbours and share a really enjoyable evening together.
Recent Events
The village Christmas lights turn-on and Fayre turned out to be a great success for the Friends.Despite the weather, which caused the outside events to be cancelled, a warm welcome awaited visitors to the pubs, village hall and church where stalls were partially relocated.Our 3 stalls in the church made a great £473 contribution to our funds, which are all dedicated to church conservation
Jobs completed
The toilet pump has been repaired, serviced and paid for.The very substantial works to facilitate disabled access has been beautifully completed and we have made our contribution.The boiler repair and service unfortunately turned out to be more substantial than originally expected, we will fund this.
Future expenditure
There has been recent serious subsidence in the church main aisle.
This been rectified and we have agreed to pay.
However, there has to be another inspection as further work
is likely.
small leak in the church roof needs to be fixed.
The South slope of the Chancel roof is in need of extensive and
expensive repair.
How to help The Friends of St George’s
Please support our efforts by becoming a Friend and setting up a monthly/annual standing order to be paid into the Friends bank account.
Details are included above in ‘How do I join etc…’.
If you prefer not to print out this form it is included in the booklet (Become A Friend of St. George’s Wrotham) to be found in the church information stand.
If you do this please send it to our secretary, Diana (01732 885172) so that it can be processed and you will be added to our list of kind contributors.
The above jobs are just the sort of works that the Friends of St George’s exist to support and it is great that so many of you attend our events and happily reinforce our efforts.
Many thanks to you all.