From the Lay Ministers


.....March 2025


Dear Friends


What a challenging and fast paced world we all live in, I know that the start of this year has really brought with it some new anxieties. We have found ourselves challenged by the language and the rhetoric of the politicians and leaders across the world, coupled with the issues of the economy and cost of living. It can feel like all we hear is negative and that has left me reflecting on the power of our language.  How often what we say, and how we say it, can lift others from where they are or crush their very spirits. As communities we have much to be thankful for, but also much that we can do to ensure the wellbeing and safety of those around us. As we begin to see the first signs of spring, the start of new life I am reminded of the words of the creator.  God created, he was pleased with what he saw, and it was good.


We are created to be in community with our world and with one another, and too often we forget that and look to our own needs and desires and in doing so we lose out on all that is good in community.  As you begin to enjoy the lighter mornings and evenings, the anticipation of the coming Spring, I also hope that you will reflect on the power you have to bring about new growth through your words and actions and your role in the communities of which we are a part. Whilst our world may feel uncertain, we can be certain in the power we each have to impact those around us for good, just by how we use our words and our influence.


I look forward to seeing you in the coming months for our services for Mothering Sunday and as we approach Easter and wish you the blessings of being part of a wonderful creation.


Yours in Christ,



Lay Reader