14 stop organ was built by Forster & Andrews of Hull in 1883 and is
positioned on the north side of the chancel.
It is over 30 foot tall and is pierced by one of the tie beams of the chancel roof.
It is laid out in vertical tiers and has a flat radiating pedal-board that was replaced by Manders in 1975.
The organ is tracker action with a mechanical stop action.
The pedals have a 30 note range from C to f1, whilst the Great and Swell are 56 notes, C to g3.
The Swell is enclosed and is operated by a mechanical 'kick' pedal on the right hand side of the console.
There are 4 mechanical combination pedals,
2 for the Swell and 2 for the Great.
Pedal: Bourdon 16' & Violoncello 8'
Great: Open Diapason 8', Stopped Diapason 8', Dulciana 8', Pricipal 4', Fluto Traverso 4', Fifteenth 2'
Swell: Geigen Principal 8', Salicional 8', Voix Celeste [TC] 8', Gemshorn 8', Mixture II, Oboe 8