St George's Church is open each day 9.00am-4.00pm (approx.)
We are all by now well aware of the various Covid-19
protocols, but in particular as we get back to sitting down
together in the North Aisle, let's be careful to continue
wearing masks until seated. We know also that social
distancing is effective in reducing transmission, and yet
can easily be forgotten when coming into the building,
leaving, or queuing for tea/coffee; keeping to
smaller/distanced tables is advisable. One further point for
those coming to Breakfast Church, particularly if you are a
vulnerable person in relation to the virus: children are
exposed to more risk of Covid-19 through schools, so
minimising close contact could be helpful.
THE PATTERN FOR SERVICES DURING THE MONTH (Click 'Worship' for full information)
The Digest - Rochester Diocese Information
Alpha Course. [what's it about]
YouTube catch-up: Reflection
Mondays 6.45pm Zoom Prayer Group email for Zoom Link [YouTube Prayers]